
Christianity is one of the world's major religions. The hallmark of Christianity is its humanity towards all men. We believe in one God, his only begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit. Three in one. All divine. Only the Son of God came to earth and assumed all the qualities of man; to be fully divine and fully human. Today is Dec 27. Besides being my late mother's 94th birthday, it is the Feast of the THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH. Jesus is 2 days old. Mary would remain at his side until his death at age 33 on the cross. The example of Mary and Joseph is still valid today. The Holy Mother (Our Lady-- Stella Maris) is also our mother. Unlike my wonderful mother she was free from original sin. Still she worried and fussed over her son as I do mine. When Jesus was lost in the temple, Mary was frantic--she was human after all, though Blessed in the eyes of the God. I often claim her peace and comfort as to my sons. She lived in a time no less turbulent than our own with unscrupulous merchants who could engage in child theft, brutal Roman occupiers, a evil King Herod, and common criminals. Expectations for her different as it was a different society, yet Mary supported her son, traveling with him to the foot of the cross. Would we be so supportive? This is the year of Mercy--it begins with Mary's yes. We must pray and let our yes be merciful. We must promote the light of Christ and pray for non-believers. That doesn't mean we allow others to marginalize us and our efforts. We are strong but we must learn to be wise. And if that means protecting ourselves,so be it. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the example of Mary and help us to pattern our families after Mary and Joseph. Amen.

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